Service Times
Sunday Services
10:00 am Morning Service
48 Stafford Street,
City Central, Dunedin

our Story |
Dunedin City New Life Church was established in November 1963 as Terry and Frankie Collins fulfilled the call of God to establish a church in Dunedin with teaching the Word of God, with signs and wonders following.
Over the decades our church has relocated to various building sites within the Dunedin area and moving forward to fulfill the purposes and plans God has prepared in advance for the church to fulfill.
New Life International (NLI) Churches are Evangelical Pentecostals. NLI churches believe in the fundamental truths taught in the Bible. There is an emphasis on the Lordship and Centrality of Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit and the authority of the scriptures as the Word of God.
Passion for God:
To be passionately devoted to Christ, honouring Him above ministry and success. We will continually develop: Intimacy with the Father, total devotion to Christ and His life message, living and depending on the power, presence and work of the Holy Spirit.
To practice through humility, authenticity and openness. We will live lives of integrity, thereby honouring Christ and providing a positive, safe environment for God’s people.
To lead by influence which is biblical authority. As colleagues and friends we will honour, inspire and encourage one another.
Present Truth:
To embrace the prophetic, pioneering spirit of the New Testament Church, thereby ensuring our churches are progressive and innovative.
Kingdom Minded:
To embrace the conviction that true community transformation requires moving beyond peaceful co- existence into a deeper Holy Spirit inspired unity of understanding and partnering with other churches / streams at local, national and international levels. Every New Life Church will seek to add value to its community – spiritually, ethically, relationally and socially.
To intentionally develop and extend the outward focus of our churches, ie: to the nation and the nations of the world. We will train, equip, mentor and release people to plant churches here and abroad, as well as other mission initiatives.
New Life Churches are locally governed. Entrepreneuring and diversity are welcomed as churches identify with the local culture and needs and minister appropriately.
Structures will submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Regional and National Structures exist to serve
1. Facilitating relationships for pastors that will empower and encourage
2. Providing inspiration, resources, training, counsel and accountability for pastors.
3. Providing safety for church members.
Our church is affiliated with New Life International. Click here to get a bigger picture of who we are